What is Obesity?
It is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health.

It is generally caused by eating too many calories and moving too little.
Overconsumption of calories compared to energy expenditure.
Poor diet and a lack of physical activity.
It develops gradually over time, no one becomes obese overnight.
It is a result of continuous decisions of poor diet and lifestyle choices.
Associated risk factors:
Heart disease and stroke
High blood pressure
Some cancers
Clinical Signs and Symptoms:
Signs include:
Increase in weight
Excess body fat
BMI of 30+
Symptoms include:
Difficulty sleeping
Back or joint pains
Excessive sweating
Intolerance to heat
Infections in skin folds
Impact on lifestyle:
Poor mental health
Reduced quality of life
Daily tasks become harder
Random daily pains and aches
Benefits of exercise:
Increased total energy expenditure
Reduced excess fat
Improved mental health
Helps protect against chronic disease
Lowers blood pressure
Lowers risk of heart attack
Reduced anxiety and depression
Exercise Guidelines:
Adults should aim to do:
Strengthening activities that work major muscle groups
At least 150 min of moderate intensity exercise a week or 75 mins of vigorous activity
Spread exercise evenly over 4 to 5 days a week
Reduce time spent sitting or lying down and break up periods of non activity
Nutritional Guidelines:
5 food groups
40% fruit and veg
38% carbohydrates
12% protein
8% dairy
1% oils and spreads
Aim for 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables a day.
Try to choose lower fat and lower sugar products where possible.
We are seeing an increase year on year of people being/becoming obese, identifying this and putting steps in place to counter it is the start of your journey to a better and healthier life.